Association Française des Bouvier Suisse (AFBS)
Nationale d'élévage (NE) September 21-22, 2024

The French AFBS NE is a French equivalent of the BMDCA National Specialty except it features all four breeds of Swiss tri-color farm dogs, Greater Swiss Mt Dog, Bernese Mt Dog, Alpenzeller, and Entlebucher. The Berners comprised about 80%-90% of the event. Based on the conformation catalog there were roughly 200 Berners entered in conformation. Additional Berners were involved in drafting and personality testing for the purpose of being permitted to breed by the French Club. (In Europe the breeders must prove that their breeding program is valid by passing a sire and dam breeding test administered by their club. I've not heard one complaint about this requirement from European breeders. Just like the US, one can breed outside of the club but unlike the US, breeding outside of the club does not allow the litter to be officially registered.) This was the 30th anniversary event and a gala and retrospective were also part of the event. The event was held at the French Federal Equestrian Park in Lamotte-Beuvron. The Parc of 400 hectares is dedicated to equestrian events but is more than ample for Berner club events with dining, high quality hotel facilities, camper parking and ample grassy fields and covered event areas.